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Узнайте о памятных моментах, событиях и праздниках Hahn Air, просмотрев нашу Фотогалерею ниже.

USA, MTSA event, June 2015

MTSA hosted over 85 area travel professionals and 30 travel suppliers at their annual Travel Suppliers’ Showcase. Janet Ulve, Director, Global Account Management, represented Hahn Air at the event held at the Mediterranean Cruise Café, Burnsville, MN.

The evening began with the trade show followed by roundtable presentations, a Mediterranean-based buffet dinner and concluded with supplier presentations and the awarding of door prizes.

Thank you to MTSA for organizing the event and to all attending travel professionals for supporting the event and Hahn Air!

Serbia, Top Selling Agencies, June 2015

Marianna Cosani, Director Global Account Management, honored the best selling agencies 2014 in Serbia with our Martin Award and a certificate. Congratulations to Helios Travel, Arsico Travel and BP Pegrotour HRG!

Pakistan, Top Agents Award, June 2015

Hahn Air has honored the top performing agencies 2014 in Pakistan. Ahmed Mansour, Director Global Account Management, presented the certificates to the agents. Congratulations!

Germany, World Avation Soccer Cup Frankfurt, June 2015

Hahn Air Team finishes in 2nd place at WAFC Tournament

It was an exciting tournament this weekend with lots of fun, sweat and action. Even though temperatures reached a boiling 32 degrees Celsius, our boys gave their all and made us proud.

On the first day of the competition, the Hahn Air team won 1st place in their group after winning three matches against LH Soccer (3:0), Budapest Airport (2:0) and Lufthansa Consulting (3:0) and scoring two ties against S7 Engineering (1:1) and Alitalia (0:0).

The final round on Saturday brought even more glory for our players: they scored a 2:1 victory against ASCPM Morocco and beat the strong LSG Sky Chefs 1:0 in the semi final. Only in the final match against Emirates, we had to take a 0:2 defeat and finished the tournament with a striking 2nd place out of 21 competing teams!

Congratulations to our fabulous players: Alexander Proschka, Boris Olarte, Christian Fesenbeck, David Schindel, Konstantin Brunnhardt, Markus Brüdigam, Markus Wosiek, Michael Holland-Nell, Patric Haenschel, Raul Garcia and Tobias Inderwies.


South Africa, ASATA Closing Event Durban, May 2015

Candy, Director Global Account Mangement, joined the ASATA Conference Closing Event organised by Travelport In Durban, South Africa, the 24th of May. Over 200 experts from the travel industry joined for the conference and enjoyed the thematised Gala Dinner.